The beans are being counted. Petaluma gold rush is a wildcard. It seems it has crossed with anything that bloomed in proximity to it. Maybe something is wrong with its flowers, maybe gremlins climbed around on the vines at night and popped the flowers open before they had a chance to self-pollinate.
One of the gremlins may be named E.M. She lives down our street. E.M. definitely gets into other people's back yards, possibly their gardens as well. She made her way up the B.N. right-of-way and popped the heads off all the sunflowers she could find, then stuffed them in a bag she was shielding herself with. I don't have definitive proof of this, but I COULD see her, and she WAS hovering over spot after spot behind the garden, and she DID have a large cloth bag which appeared to be larger every time she picked it up. I am just enough afraid of her that I did NOT run out back to holler "GO AWAY and put some UNDER garments on before you show up again!"
Today I noticed that the sunflowers were all headless. The sunflowers outside of the garden AND the sunflowers inside the garden.
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