Friday, September 23, 2011

Eating Wood

Whether or not cellulose is a good thing for humans to eat, is a difficult question. Several individuals have expressed shock and dismay at suddenly noticing it is in the ingredients list of your favorite foods. and some you don't like too.

I am really on the fence on this one. "K," who started this whole can of worms still has people commenting on the comments of other people's livid remarks. These remarks include ‎"YAY to the world of 'less expensive food, now we can buy bigger cars and more shoes!!" Yes, that is out of context. The original incendiary spark can be found here - Not Food?

And the full blown inflagration centers on the apparent deception to the consumer, who thinks he or she is getting edible food at the grocery store, while lo and behold, it is parts of trees or cornstalks, more likely, that we are actually "eating."

Personally, I am irritated that we can't figure out how to digest the stuff already. At this day and age, we could be responding to references about our ever expanding mid sections with "That's my reticulorumen, don't you have one yet?" We would need our reticulorumens to house a few bacteria we don't already own. I think they could be easily ingested by making some dirt milkshakes.

The same humans who don't want to have a go at eating chopped paper may not have tried the delightful and largely inedible slippery elm porridge. Made from the inner bark of the slippery elm, this porridge has the distinctive flavor of wood shavings. I have eaten it many times, and I didn't put on an ounce.
Have you seen this pop-up ad? One trick of the tiny belly. Eat wood.

I MUST point out that wood is not cellulose. Sure, some of it is but there are many other things to digest in wood, such as lignin. You try digesting lignin sometime.

 My Ganoderma, in its jar house, truly enjoys a wood diet. I treat the youngster to a warm-up in the oven twice a day. Just over 100ºf. Soon, it will be moving again. More space, more wood, more oxygen.

This all reminds me of a joke. What is brown and sticky? A stick.

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